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Change is Coming to RamSearch

by Kathleen Barnard on 2023-08-16T13:45:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

By Abe Newell, Emerging Technologies and Digital Services Librarian

As of Wednesday, August 16, 2023, RamSearch will feature a new look and feel. The main search bar on the front page won’t have changed, however now when you search EBSCO your results page will look something like this.RamSearch results page for the search term magnetic resonance. 

Check out our search filters. Peer Review and full text are under the big buttons, but for more specific options you can try the “All Filters” button:  

 RamSearch results page with the All Filters button highlighted. 

If you want to search in other ways, we have options right at your fingertips:  

Research Tools buttons available in RamSearch, including General Search, Publications, Concept Map, and Supplemental Sources. 

You search journals available to the library under “Publications”, and you can search the Minuteman Library Network Catalog under “Supplemental Sources”. If you want a fun new way to explore ideas that you’re searching, try out the “Concept Map”: 

Concept map feature in RamSearch for the search term magnetic resonance. 

We’ve got some brand-new tutorials to share, as well as some detailed background on using some of the new features available through EBSCO:  

Check out this tutorial about using the new RamSearch:


Find out more about other features with these guides from EBSCO:

Quick Start Guides 

Concept Map

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